PostgreSQL settings which affect pglogical v3.7

Several PostgreSQL configuration options may need adjusting for pglogical to work.

PostgreSQL must be configured for logical replication:

wal_level = 'logical'

The pglogical library need to be loaded at server start, so the parameter shared_preload_libraries must contain pglogical, e.g.:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical'

As pglogical uses additional worker processes to maintain state and apply the replicated changes, enough worker process slots need to be present:

max_worker_processes = 10

The formula for computing the correct value of max_worker_processes is: one for instance + one per database on the provider (upstream), one for instance

  • one per database + two per subscription on the subscriber (downstream).

The replication slots and origins are used so enough slots for those need to exist; both replication slots and origins are controlled by same configuration option:

max_replication_slots = 10

One per subscription on both provider and subscriber is needed.

The replication data is sent using walsender (just like physical replication):

max_wal_senders = 10

There is one walsender needed for every subscriber (on top of any standbys or backup streaming connections).

If you are using PostgreSQL 9.5+ (this won't work on 9.4) and want to handle conflict resolution with last/first update wins (see pglogical writer), you can add this additional option to postgresql.conf:

track_commit_timestamp = on

Also pg_hba.conf has to allow replication connections from the subscribers.

pglogical specific settings

There are additional pglogical specific configuration options. Some generic options are mentioned below, but most of the configuration options depend on which writer is used and are documented as part of the individual writer documentation.


This controls whether pglogical apply worker should use synchronous commit. By default this is off. Turning it on has performance implications - the maximum replication throughput will be much lower. However in low TPS environments which use synchronous_commit = remote_apply on the provider, turning this option on can improve the transaction latency. This guidance may change in later releases.

The pglogical.synchronous_commit setting for a subscription determines what happens to the things that the subscription's apply worker writes locally. The subscription's apply worker operates much like a normal client backend, and whatever it writes and commits is subject to its current pglogical.synchronous_commit setting.

In most cases, pglogical.synchronous_commit off is the best setting because it avoids the flushing work at commit time, and it is safe because in case of a crash the data can be re-obtained from the publishing server.

But if you use synchronous replication on the publishing server, then the publishing server will wait for the subscribing server to send feedback messages when the sent data has been flushed to disk on the subscribing server (depending on the particular setting). If the subscriber has pglogical.synchronous_commit off, then the flushing happens at some random later time, and then the upstream publisher has to wait for that to happen. In order to speed that up, you need to make the subscriber flush stuff faster, and the way to do that is to set pglogical.synchronous_commit to a value other than off on the subscriber.

Also if you have standbys connected to this subscriber server then you can set the value of pglogical.synchronous_commit to wait for confirmation from its standbys.

NOTE As per design, if on, this configuration will always wait for the local flush confirmation, even if the synchronous_standby_names would point to any physical standby/s.

The default is off.


This controls whether to track per subscription apply statistics. If this is on, the pglogical.stat_subscription view will contain performance statistics for each subscription which has received any data, otherwise the view is empty.

Collecting statistics requires additional CPU resources on the subscriber.

The default is on.


This controls whether to track per table apply statistics. If this is on, the pglogical.stat_relation view will contain performance statistics for each subscribed relation which has received any data, otherwise the view is empty.

Collecting statistics requires additional CPU resources on the subscriber.

The default is off.


This tracks lock timing when tracking statistics for relations.

The default is off.


This defines system path for where to put temporary files needed for schema synchronization. This path needs to exist and be writeable by users running Postgres.

The default is empty, which tells pglogical to use the default temporary directory based on environment and operating system settings.


This option may be set to assign connection options that apply to all connections made by pglogical. This can be a useful place to set up custom keepalive options, etc.

pglogical defaults to enabling TCP keepalives to ensure that it notices when the upstream server disappears unexpectedly. To disable them, add keepalives = 0 to pglogical.extra_connection_options.


This standby option allows setting which logical slots should be synchronized to this physical standby. It's comma separated list of slot filters.

Slot filter is defined as key:value pair (separated by colon) where key can be one of:

  • name - specifies to match exact slot name
  • name_like - specifies to match slot name against SQL LIKE expression
  • plugin - specifies to match slot plugin name agains the value

The key can be omitted and will default to name in that case.

For example 'my_slot_name,plugin:pglogical_output,plugin:pglogical' will synchronize slot named "my_slot_name" and any pglogical slots.

If this is set to empty string, no slots will be synchronized to this physical standby.

Default value is 'plugin:pglogical,plugin:pglogical_output' meaning pglogical slots will be synchronized.


This standby option controls what happens to extra slots on standby that are not found on primary using pglogical.synchronize_failover_slot_names filter. If it's set to true, they will be dropped, otherwise they will be kept.

The default value is true.


A standby option for specifying which connection string to use to connect to primary when fetching slot information.

If empty (and default) is to use same connection string as primary_conninfo.

Note that primary_conninfo cannot be used if there is a password field in the connection string because it gets obfuscated by PostgreSQL and pglogical can't actually see the password. In this case the pglogical.synchronize_failover_slots_dsn must be used.


This option is typically used in failover configurations to ensure that the failover-candidate streaming physical replica(s) for this pglogical provider have received and flushed all changes before they ever become visible to any subscribers. That guarantees that a commit cannot vanish on failover to a standby for the provider.

Replication slots whose names are listed in the comma-separated pglogical.standby_slot_names list are treated specially by the walsender on a pglogical provider.

pglogical's logical replication walsenders will ensure that all local changes are sent and flushed to the replication slots in pglogical.standby_slot_names before the provider sends those changes to any other pglogical replication clients. Effectively it provides a synchronous replication barrier between the named list of slots and all pglogical replication clients.

Any replication slot may be listed in pglogical.standby_slot_names; both logical and physical slots work, but it's generally used for physical slots.

Without this safeguard, two anomalies are possible where a commit can be received by a subscriber then vanish from the provider on failover because the failover candidate hadn't received it yet:

  • For 1+ subscribers, the subscriber may have applied the change but the new provider may execute new transactions that conflict with the received change, as it never happened as far as the provider is concerned;


  • For 2+ subscribers, at the time of failover, not all subscribers have applied the change.The subscribers now have inconsistent and irreconcilable states because the subscribers that didn't receive the commit have no way to get it now.

Setting pglogical.standby_slot_names will (by design) cause subscribers to lag behind the provider if the provider's failover-candidate replica(s) are not keeping up. Monitoring is thus essential.

Note that this setting is generally not required for BDR3 nodes (which are based on pglogical). Unlike base pglogical3, BDR3 is capable of reconciling lost changes from surviving peer nodes.


Controls how many of the pglogical.standby_slot_names have to confirm before we send data to pglogical subscribers.


This option is used to specify the size of the shared memory queue used by the receiver to send data to the writer process. If the writer process is stalled or making slow progress, then the queue might get filled up, stalling the receiver process too. So it's important to provide enough shared memory for this queue. The default is 1MB and the maximum allowed size is 1GB. While any storage size specifier can be used to set the GUC, the default is kB.


This option is used to specify the size of the shared memory queue used by the receiver to receive data from the writer process. Since the writer is not expected to send a large amount of data, a relatively smaller sized queue should be enough. The default is 32kB and the maximum allowed size is 1MB. While any storage size specifier can be used to set the GUC, the default is kB.

pglogical.min_worker_backoff_delay and pglogical.max_worker_backoff_delay

Rate limit pglogical background worker launches by preventing a given worker from being relaunched more often than every pglogical.min_worker_backoff_delay milliseconds. On repeated errors, the back-off increases exponentially with added jitter up to maximum of pglogical.max_worker_backoff_delay.

Time-unit suffixes are supported.


This setting currently only affects receiver worker, which means it primarily affects how fast a subscription will try to reconnect on error or connection failure.

The default for pglogical.min_worker_backoff_delay is 1 second, for pglogical.max_worker_backoff_delay it is 1 minute.

If the backoff delay setting is changed and the PostgreSQL configuration is reloaded then all current backoff waits will be reset. Additionally, the pglogical.worker_task_reset_backoff_all() function is provided to allow the administrator to force all backoff intervals to immediately expire.

A tracking table in shared memory is maintained to remember the last launch time of each type of worker. This tracking table is not persistent; it is cleared by PostgreSQL restarts, including soft-restarts during crash recovery after an unclean backend exit.

The view pglogical.worker_tasks may be used to inspect this state so the administrator can see any backoff rate-limiting currently in effect.

For rate limiting purposes, workers are classified by "task". This key consists of the worker role, database oid, subscription id, subscription writer id, extension library name and function name, extension-supplied worker name, and the remote relation id for sync writers. NULL is used where a given classifier does not apply, e.g. manager workers don't have a subscription ID and receivers don't have a writer id.


Specifies the maximum number of parallel writers that a subscription may use. Values between 1 and 64 are allowed, with the default being 8. When set to 1, parallel apply is effectively disabled.


Sets the default number of parallel writers for subscriptions without an explicitly set value. Values between 1 and 64 are allowed, with the default being 4.